Got my Robocop leg hooked up. Physical therapy was good today except for using their whirlpool tub where they had me precariously positioned on a highchair with one leg dunked in a tank. It really didn't work that well and the therapist suggested we just use heat packs in the future. I'm impressed by the comfort and functionality of the knee brace.
In other news, my brother Aaron is comming into town tonight and will be staying at my place for a week.
That's sexy. So how did you hurt yourself again? I must've missed that part.
Yes, that's my sexy cyborg leg pose. I hurt my leg playing Basketball back in march. It just never seemed to get better. Turns out I had torn my ACL like 8 years ago and never knew about it. I certainly dont ever recall hurting my right knee.
your blog seriously qualifies as bionic porn.
Not to quote Paris Hilton, hee hee, but "that's hot."
Why did they just try to put your leg in the whirlpool tub? I'd certainly like to dunk my entire self in there...
the whirlpool tub wasn't big enough to sit in. I think they are more meant for ankle therapy.
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