I've had 4 and a half days of recovery from my knee surgery and above is the one incision I've been willing to peek at under my bandage. Somthing that has bothered me more than my knee has been my throat. I noticed right after my surgical anestesia wore off that my upper chest and back of my throat hurt and it hurt to swallow. I also kept feeling like the pain pills I were taking were getting stuck in my throat. Turns out half of my uvula was like callaused and hard making it feel like a pill on my toungue every so often.
When I was knocked out during surgery they told me I would stop breathing and a tube would be put in me. I thought it was normal procedure but now others don't think so. Anyone else have info on this practice of tubing the patient?
Anyhow I see my doc tomorrow and I'll be asking him this question and more.
Are you able to walk yet? I don't know anything about stopping breathing while under. When I had my wisdom teeth out, I wasn't tubed...but it may have something to do w/ the type of surgery??? Eh, either way I have a hard time trusting doctors. Don't let the doc get away with not answering your questions.
i think they always intibate when you're under general anesthesia - hence the sore throat. btw, nice stitching!
Right on J! Hey Brad - that picture was nasty!! Nice camera though.
When I had heart surgery I was intubated... that was at Stanford Medical Center, supposedly one of the best places around. I don't think its uncommon to intubate when there's a chance the patient might stop breathing.
They intubate for every general anesthesia surgery. The tube was probably the wrong size for you, so the end of it scratched your throat. Or they weren't exactly gentle when they put it in or pulled it out.
I know with my first surgery, the doctor had to wrestle me in order to pull the tube out. I had clamped down on it with my jaw and wouldn't let go...hehe. I don't remember my throat hurting though.
j, even the biggest black cock doesnt hurt my throat like that. Guess its cause I swallow not suck.
Im walking, but get sore after just a bit and need to rest.
Found out from my doc they intibate for a "just in case" scenario.
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