Finally got to go shooting up past apex this morning. Tried out my new guns and do really like my colt .357 magnum. The area where "we" go shooting has changed. They put up a fence around the pond-like backdrop you see in the photo above. The fence was easy to bypass and didn't say anything about tresspassing. There were a couple of signs for "no dumping" and "no woodcutting bird sanctuary". The pond was also completely empty. There were some birds and a few jackrabbits around the area.
My little sister Jolene was in town and just started to shoot this past month so she wanted to go out into the desert and shoot because in virginia she's unable to do outdoor shooting. The temperature was a pleasant 90 degrees with a breeze and cloudy shade until about 9am when the sun came out and it got hot-muggy.
That's a super bad ass picture.
yeah, the muzzle flash would have been awesome if it was darker outside.
If shooting was anywhere near as chaotic as the Moapa fireworks scene, I'm glad I didn't go!!
Oh, and PS, that picture is pimp!
yeah that picture rocks. it's so good it looks photoshopped.
Yo Brad, how about a little earlier notice next time? Or even a phonecall? The boyz and I would love to have come, but none of us learned about it til 11am when we all woke up!
we used to go shooting up behind summerlin mtn by centenial...there are houses there now....
shouldn't have woke up so late, ya bums.
Kat, I do believe I have left my house many (at least 2) a weekend morning at 11am and J's door is sealed shut and someone's silver car is ever so noticeable parked on the street ;-)
Bums be us all!!!
Ooh, looks like gossip has a new home - Brad's comments page!!
LOL i ain't one to gossip...
Nat, I did call Greg and let him know about it. He said he'd see J and let him know too.
Ah well, I'm sure I'll make time to go again soon.
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