So we went to see Obama yesterday. He was almost an hour late to his speech leaving all us poor folk out in the heat and sun. I ended up getting burned. He talked about problems without really giving any solutions except that 10% of healthcare costs can be reduced by fixing administrative red tape and that he would start bringing back all our troops right away. He did mention that blacks and women shouldn't be slaves and be able to vote. The crowd really got behind him on his anti-slavery and pro-equality points.

I can't really tell what kind of watch he's wearing, but I feel that his fingernails should be more trimmed. At least he's not a nervous nail biter.

Now I assumed this was a PDA phone on his belt when I was taking pictures but now that I look at it I'm begining to think it's not a phone but some other electronic device. Any Ideas?
Of course Donovan got selected out of the crowd with his stylish mohawk and vampire powerlike charm.

It's hard to tell but that's my hand on the right shaking Obama's as I took a picture at the same time.

There was also a rare JayCat sighting in the crowd.
so are you going to listen to your son and vote for him? :)
I've heard that Obama is Pretty Anti-gun democrat. So looks like I'll have to go against him hard. Oh and that is a Blackberry PDA/phone. Saw one this weekend.
You need to update your blog. Are you guys home yet or what?
yeah we're home. Update how?
Well, with more pictures of Donovan for one.
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