Tuesday, July 04, 2006


It seems we might have a tradition of going out to Moapa for a treat of illegal fireworks on July 3rd. For the past two years it's been a fantastic display of mortars and missiles. This year Donovan grew to enjoying the fireworks beyond the booms that initially scared him.

The place is non-stop fireworks from over a dozen of groups setting them off. I can just imagine the aftermath in the morning.


Shannon said...

I liked sitting in the back of the truck at a safe-ish distance rather than sitting under the "rain of fire" last year.

Overall, t'was tons-o-fun.

Shawna said...

Ah what a cutie! and what a mess!

Shannon said...

Thanks, Shawna. Donovan's pretty cute too!

Cladeedah said...

Brad - can you ask Celestia if she'll email me the photos of us that she has? Thx.