Monday, February 13, 2006

Great Wall

so nat came over last night and helped me move my final load of bricks and help me build my retaining wall. He was a big help moving the over 3 tons worth of brick. It was a huge ammount of work for 2 people to accomplish, but we got it mostly done. Too bad we didn't have a third person. That would have made things so much easier ;-)


Shannon said...

If I hadn't had family in town, I would've come. I'm out this weekend, but let me know when I can help another time. I owe you some manual labor.

Bradley said...

I was just joking. I didn't give much notice at all and was only hoping someone might happen to be free to help.

I'll be doing a lot more on my backyard. Next weekend I'll finish up the wall and put in the bubblers and plant the trees.

After that I'll be hauling Rock into my backyard. That I could use help on.

Cladeedah said...

I didn't get any notice. Sorry.