Saturday, December 23, 2006
Another HDR image

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Thanksgiving Week in Mississippi

Monday, November 27, 2006
HDR - High Dynamic Range Photography

Oh, btw this is where we are staying at right now in Mississippi.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Dusk Shooting
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Donovan's The New Sheriff

The Sheriff was in town last night. Vanessa got him this costume last minute (because we couldn't find the spider costume prior). turned out pretty well. Everyone on the street kept commenting on how handsome the gunslinger looked.
Donovan did manage to get the hang of knocking on doors and saying "trick or treat" then thanking the person. He also kept pulling candy out of his bag and asking me to open it for him. Eventually he figured out how to unrap the candy himself.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Voting Time
I plan on voting on them as follows, anyone have insight on why I should vote differently than this?
1. Amend constitution for legislature to fund schools before rest of budget.
No, just a complete waste.
2. Amend constitution to on public use of emminent domain/
No, added too much crap to this and will hurt our city and prop values
3. thrown out
4. Preserve right to smoke in casinos, gaming areas, bars etc.
Yes, keeps our freedom to smoke
5. Prohibit smoking in restaurant bars and other places
No, takes away our freedoms
6. Raise minimum wage
No, as much as I like inflation, this would just push me closer to earning minimum wage instead of causing inflation.
7. Amend statutes to regulate, sale and tax marijuana
Yes, will reduce crime, move drug profits from criminals to state income, and increase our freedoms (prolly boost our tourism)
8. Allow full tax credit for Vehicle trade-ins and allow credit for farm machienery
Yes, less taxes for those who trade in... kinda on the fence on this one (I dont like the farm part)
9. Convert the Board of regents from 12 elected to 9 appointed
Yes, either appointed or elected we're gonna have the same bucnh of clowns. At least this way we'll have less of them.
10. Allow special sessions of legilature be called by the legislature instead of just the gov.
No, less special sessions the better I'd think
11. Pay legislators more for the 120 day session
No, Come on, like paying these bastards any more will get us better lawmakers.. puhleeze
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
strange night
today started out normal enough. Got a reluctant donovan out of bed and off to school and myself to work. on my way home I see a car on the craig/95 off-ramp engulfed in flames as the firetruck is arriving.
so then around 7:30pm as I'm getting ready for LOST, we get a call from vanessa's mom who had just been attacked by a couple of pit bulls while she was walking her dogs. So instead of a night of relaxing TV, we transported one of her heavily wounded dogs to the animal ER. her other dog "Little bit" a dachshund, was killed. Some good samaritans helped get the pit bulls away by shoving a broomhandle down the lead dogs throat. In the scuffle 3 people got bit by the dogs.
Now we're here in the people ER where V's mom is being checked out. gonna have to download lost. anyone want to watch it this weekend?
Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday, September 17, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
My workplace
just thought I would share the place where I'm spending my workday at. I sit in an uncomfortable chair infront of these two monitors. I do have a window behind me.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Bathroom Completed
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
red rock stay
stayed at the red rock again last thursday. the rooms seem bigger this time. probably because of all the crappy hotels weve stayed at since our last stay at red rock. they should have their pool open past 7pm. that was bogus.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
New Phone
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
Hello computer... Shut up computer!

Car Stereo work

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
24th International System Safety Conference

I spent last week in Albuquerque attending the conference. I presented a paper on the safety change control for the Krakatau sub-critical experiment. The photograph is of Jeff, Martin, chuck, and myself just after Chuck and Martin accepted the award for Krakatau which won the group scientific achievement award.
I asked Martin (who lives just outside London) if they had casinos in england. He said they are almost non-existant there and nothing like the ones we have in the US. Seemed the discussion went to the value or damage to the economy that casinos cause. I thought that although gambling is a zero sum game, it does serve as an economic engine pushing people to work more. Casino patrons get some playtime enjoyment and in the course lose their money and need to work again (and end up gambling some more). Ends up being a perpetual work cycle for the poor laborer. I know of a few people who were in retirement who took a trip to vegas and had to come out of retirement after gambling away all their savings. Sucks for them, good for getting them back to work.
So what do you think? Casinos good, casinos bad? and for who?
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Red rock
Stayed at the redrock sunday night. The pool was a litttle warm but otherwise a real nice place. I was impressed with the rooms
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Meteor Crater
anyone been to meteor crater in arizona? its bigger than sedan crater at NTS (at least wider I think)