We missed the mass balloon lift-off this morning but did manage to catch this tethered balloon ride. Donovan was excited until he got up close. The gigantic size and flames got him scared and he didn't want to ride.

We went on to the carnival side of events and Donovan began to tantrum b

ecause he didn't understand he had to wait in line to go. As soon as he got to the bottom he was ready to go right back up again. He went through the wacky-house that ended in a spiral slide about 5 times before we could take him to the bumper cars for a ride with Vanessa.

Donovan then got to admire the ducks and pond since the event was being held at a golf course.
But wait - who's that masked crusader in the background? Is it really? CATLAD?!
very cute!!
That last picture could be from some 1950's biology textbook.
Except I like how donovan's pointing at the duck and you're pointing at some plastic bag...
Title of the chapter: "Mother nature meets man's might."
there's a duck real close that didn't make it into the picture. I do like plastic bags though!
I heard no balloons took off at all the entire weekend because of bad weather. See, so it wasn't my fault!
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