Wow what a difference 11 weeks and 150 lbs of dog food makes. Boosh is weighing in at 65lbs now. He's gotten much better with Donovan (not hurting him or playing hard). He's learned his position in the family pretty well. He was quickly house trained. He now sleeps upstairs next to our bed. He's also being a great guard dog by positioning himself between us and the entrance and warning us of any potential danger. When I pretended to burglar into the bedroom he pounced right towards me until he realized it was me.
Yes, and he's quite friendly. He especially like to show off his wee wee to unwillin spectators.
He's lookin mighty fine. You must be very busy lately - not many new pics. How do I get to be a Blogged friend? How about some Halloweeny pics next. Exactly 8 weeks until retirement - hooray. Vegas here we come - love ya'll!!
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