So we started sunday morning at 10 am at Nat's house to ride. Nat's bike had a dead battery so I took Nat on as a passenger and we went to walmart. No luck there, so it was on to the Suzuki bike shop where we got a battery but would take over an hour to charge. So we broke for lunch. However, J's bike REALLY broke for lunch. As we pulled into Caprioti's for a sandwich his bike somehow lost a cylinder and was out of commission. After lunch, Nat and I went to get my truck and we rescued J's bike back to his house.
Many thanks for the ride. The good news is that I WILL rebuild the bike and make it even better than before ... of course by better, I mean that it will run.
I think the scariest part of the ride was when I blew the front cylinder and Kat and I were both slammed forward. I'm just glad she was able to hang on and we got off the street safely. If you ever have a chance to experience a complete engine meltdown ... don't. :)
Well, at least the ride took you to Capriottis...the idea of a motorcyle somehow just losing a cynlinder is a bit creepy though. Glad everyone's safe.
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