So Vanessa and I went to First Friday to see my sister and her husband's artwork. Turns out we met up with Claudia who is a total fanatic about copying everything Vanessa does. See the copy cat purse she bought. Oh yeah and look she's even wearing jeans like Vanessa and highlighted her hair to match. Look at the shock on Claudia's face when she noticed she didn't get the right state license plate. She was so horrified she threw the purse away minutes after this photo was taken. I've had an eerie feeling that someone's been rummaging through our trash. We're going to have to stop leaving it out on the curb the night before pickup. Perhaps a restraining order is in order. Anybody know a good attorney?
Oh no you di'int! My friend Britt showed me how to get revenge on copy-cats like you guys!! It's on bitchez!!
Bad Claudia! BAD!
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