Donovan went on his first roller coaster ride this weekend at Lego Land in California.

He got to enjoy all the kiddie rides including this Jeep ride and many others.

There were plenty of Lego creations that Donovan got to interact with. This one reminded him of his infamous recurring "Dinosaur" nightmare he has about being chased by a dinosaur.

He of course was chumming it up and made peace with the lego monster.

Donovan is very proud of obtaining his Lego Land Driver's license.DFDF

Donovan had several chances to play with Legos and built this mini creation that he was proud of.

Due to going on a weekday the park was pretty empty and we got on the rides quickly and got to ride in the front frequently like the boat ride photo above.

They had some pretty neat Lego cities built including Las Vegas, New Orleans, New York, DC and others.